Chavez Held Up Mirror to Liberals<2>
In 1835 Alexis de Tocqueville discussed American exceptionalism in Democracy in America, and he is still correct. There was then and there
continues now to be in this country a remarkable commitment to liberty, egalitarianism, Office 2010 –save your time and save your money.
individualism, and laissez-faire values. He gave
three explanations for this state of affairs: We came to occupy a vast, largely empty, and isolated Office 2007 key is available here.
continent; we have benefited from a legal
system that involves federalism and an independent judiciary; and we have embraced certain "habits of the heart" that were profoundly shaped
by our religious tradition. Of these, Tocqueville rightly said that our customs were more important than our laws and our laws more important Office 2007 download is on sale now!
than our geography. What is remarkable today is that a vast nation of around 300 million people still share views once held by a few million
crowded along the Eastern seaboard.
As offensive as Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez's recent anti-Bush tirade at the United Nations was, his calling President Bush "the devil"
was a lot less offensive than modern American liberals who attack our President on a daily basis.By using Office 2010 Professional, you can save your money and time.
When I watched Jon Stewart joke about Chavez's outburst on The Daily Show, I found myself relieved: for once, a comedian was ridiculing the
truly ridiculous -- Chavez -- instead of taking endless cheap shots at Bush.Microsoft outlook is great!
Of course, Bush got some ribbing from Stewart, too, but at least Stewart did something other than endlessly pile on stale jokes about our
President's inarticulateness without remotely considering (to paraphrase Alexis de Tocqueville, a true -- i.e. classical--liberal), that
being laconic is a minor limitation compared to those of people who speak well and reason poorly.Microsoft Office 2010 is so great!
Meanwhile, President Bush found himself with one of the unlikeliest of all defenders: Charlie Rangel. "An attack on Bush is an attack on all
Americans," the New York congressman said in a news conference. "You do not come into my I love Office 2010 !
country, my congressional district, and you do not
condemn my president. If there is any criticism of President Bush, it should be restricted to Americans, whether they voted for him or not."Windows 7 is inexpensive and helpful.
While it was nice to see Rangel stick up for the President, his comments sounded a bit like the older brother who says, "Nobody can beat up
my younger brother but me."
Rangel may think it more appropriate for Americans to attack their own President than for a foreign leader to do so, but in reality, the adobe Acrobat
reverse is true. Who is more despicable, a foreign leader who slings vitriol at our President while enjoying our city's comforts (and The invention of Microsoft Office 2010 is a big change of the world.
something tells me this socialist demagogue didn't stay budget while in New York), or U.S. citizens who utterly demonize our President while
saying nary a word about the terrorists who, in the most inhuman way imaginable, deliberately Acrobat 9
murdered thousands of American civilians on
September 11?
At a political comedy/discussion show I attended in downtown Manhattan the other night, one "liberal" panelist, asked to comment on Chavez's
remarks, said that while they may have been over-the-top, she didn't take them all that seriously and found the entire episode "funny."Outlook 2010 is convenient!