Benioff fires back at Oracle's Ellison
Today, at this stage is OpenWorld oracle in San Francisco, Marc boss hit the criticism
Larry ellison of his company's cloud contributions.
In his subject, OpenWorld open on Sunday night, ellison said not real cloud Microsoft outlook is convenient!
A weak safe mode. Standing in the definition of amazon computing clouds - platform construction and deployed
Application - ellison said: "the cloud is a platform for the standardization of the application, the weak. Sales personnel have safe mode
Everyone in the same data co - mingles platform, if that, everyone fell. It is not the fault, not soOutlook 2010 is powerful.
Virtual, this is not very flexible. "
Essien on trying to make comments, as long as he walked on stage: "we come again in peace," he said. "I want to
The great advertising, thank larry Sunday evening. We are clouds, peace-loving people. "
Then he sent some ellison directly, especially on charges of definition of cloud calculative. "We
Cloud calculative definition, it is the multi - tenant faster, half the cost, payment, it grows, you Microsoft Office is so great!
You shrink. It is very effective. "
Then he turned his attention to the oracle of new Exalogic elastic cloud, said: "we are not going to your computerChoose Office 2007 Professional is the most lucky thing in the world.
Taller than you. We will show you a cloud in a box, because the cloud in a box. They never found. This is
The whole idea. "
In fact Tweeted on Sunday in talk "beware of false cloud", citing reply
Amazon's company Werner technical director, said: "Vogels that touchstone: if you have to buy more hardware has just started, it is not a cloud..." .Microsoft Office 2010 is so great.
So when larry ellison may and amazon on the definition of cloud calculative doesn't seem to feel the same amazonMicrosoft outlook 2010 is the best.
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